Our Fall Read & Ring events are happening! You can find out more and sign up with the form in this month’s issue or with the the form at this link. Additionally, we have news from the executive board, and dates for the 2020 Young Ringers and Destination Ring...
This issue of Twice Tolled Tales contains a lot of news and updates for you. Unfortunately, the 2021 Area 2 Festival and 2021 Young Ringers Festival have been canceled. However, the Area 2 Board has plans for future Area events. Additionally, Area 2 elections are...
Click here to read more about what’s coming soon to Area 2.
This month’s issue of Twice Tolled Tails has some news and updates for you. The annual Area 2 members meeting will be held virtually next week, there are some tips for ringing during COVID-19, the 2021 Festival Conference is still on, and we are announcing our...
TTTJune2020_newsletter format
Click here to read about all the exciting news from Area 2! We’ve got information on the Read and Rings in March/April and the Destination Ring in August as well as Elizabeth’s first “From the Chair” and lots of other stuff! Be sure and...
TTT October 2019
June 2019 Twice Tolled Tales
March 2019