Equipment Wanted or Available


Handbell Musicians of America Area 2 offers this listing of “Equipment Wanted or Available” as a service to its members and the handbell community.  These listings are posted according to the information provided and do not represent an endorsement by Area 2 officers, or its committees.  Before responding to a post below, applicants are encouraged to research the listing organization or individual.

To have your message listed here, please email your information to the HMA Area 2 Communications Coordinator  at:  [email protected]
Be sure to include the following:
1) Indicate if you are advertising Equipment Wanted or Equipment Available
2)  Description of all equipment included/desired
3) Name of organization or individual
4) Contact Information for organization or individual
Please also provide your HMA membership number.  Your membership number will not be posted on this page.  It is only needed to prove that the applicant is a member in good standing of HMA.

Equipment Available

Professionally refurbished third octave (C4-F#4 & G#6-C7, 12) of Schulmerich bells, Third octave of Malmark bells and a third octave of Malmark chimes for sale.  They are in great condition!

Email, call or text Neil Gertner  for more details: [email protected]
530 355 8220